new build for a church plant

Your Church Plant Succeeded, Now What?

When a church plant succeeds and the team begins looking for a new home, there are a variety of options:

  • Merge with an existing church and move into their facility.
  • Find a new facility to rent and make it work with little modification.
  • Buy an existing space and renovate with the help of church architects to make the space work.
  • Buy land and design and build a space with assistance of a church architecture firm that exactly suits your needs.

As a church plant, you have a mission that you’re looking to fulfill from the larger church who sent you to this new area. That makes merging with another church less than ideal as you would have to compromise your mission (as would they) in order to avoid losing members from either yours or the original congregation. Moving to a new rental space likely isn’t ideal either as churches who move typically lose 10%-20% of their congregation each time they move which means finding a permanent home should be your first thought when you feel ready to move out of your initial temporary location.

Pros & Cons of Buying & Renovating an Existing Space for Your Church

As church architects, we have worked with congregations on renovating everything from an older existing church to a strip mall grocery store. Without a doubt, the biggest advantage of buying an existing building is the cost. The second reason to consider renovating an existing space is a shorter timeline.

On the other side of the argument against buying an existing space is the fact that it will never be exactly what you want it to be. It may not even look like a church which can be a detractor for some potential congregants. We also recommend looking at the future. Is there room for growth? Finally, will there be sufficient parking for your congregation both today and in the future?

Is a New Build with the Help of a Church Architect the Right Solution?

Just like buying an existing space has pros and cons, so does buying land and building a new facility. Perhaps the biggest advantage is that you can build a space that fits your needs today and has the ability to be expanded in the future. However, with any new construction project, comes a significant price tag. If your church has a limited budget, you may find that land plus a new build exceed that budget. Another disadvantage of building from the ground up is the time it takes. From land acquisition to the first service could be anywhere from two to four years. However, during that time building a new facility you will generate interest which can lead to growth that you might not see if you were to renovate an existing building.

Looking for a Church Architect? Contact Sandbar Architecture

If you want a church architecture firm to help you evaluate the feasibility of converting an existing building into your new worship center or want an experienced church architect to design your new facility, contact Sandbar Architecture. We can help your team make the right decision and throughout the process. Call us today at (727) 308-1773 or schedule your appointment online by clicking here.