If the highly competitive housing market has you considering a home addition, you’re not alone. Whether you only want a home addition or are remodeling and want both a new layout and more space, you should work with an experienced architect. As an architecture firm, we’re working with many homeowners on a variety of different home additions, however, there are three we’re doing more than others.
Home Office
Perhaps the most popular is the home office addition. With more people working from home, at least part time, families are realizing they need a dedicated work space. The explosion of small, home based businesses is also contributing to this need. Plus, as larger businesses compete for fewer workers, offering a work from home option is a great benefit that many are taking advantage of. However, if you only need a home office occasionally, consider creating a space that will serve multiple purposes with a great workspace.
Kitchen Expansion
Sometimes no matter what tricks you attempt with a kitchen renovation, you just don’t have the space you need. In cases like those, one solution is to add on to your home. You don’t necessarily add a whole new kitchen onto your home, but rather several feet to the area of your home with the kitchen. This is often referred to as a bump-out. However, if the kitchen is at the back of the home, you may want to consider adding on to the entire back of the home creating more space for all the rooms at the back of the home. If you’re adding more than a few feet, you may want to create a separate room as a sun room or sitting room depending on your budget and home’s layout.
Bedroom and Bedroom Suites
Families grow and change in many ways. Whether you have a parent moving in with you, are getting married again and your soon-to-be spouse has kids of their own, or you’re having a new baby, you may need another bedroom. Perhaps you love where you are or can’t imagine jumping into the home-buying frenzy, a new bedroom or suite may be just what you need.
Sandbar Architects Can Help with Your Home Addition Design
Some people think that they only need to call an architect for new home construction. However, there are many reasons you need one for a home addition as well. The experienced team of architects at Sandbar Architecture will ensure that you have the space you need and that your home addition will look like it has always been part of your home, both inside and outside. If you’re considering a home addition, call us today at (727) 308-1773 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation and learn why you need an architect for your home addition, no matter how big or small.